Intervention le 23 novembre de 14h30 à 15h00
« Quel rôle pour les usagers de la santé mentale ? Les patients comme co-concepteurs et acteurs de la transformation »
Dr David Crepaz-Keay is Head of Empowerment and Social Inclusion for the Mental Health Foundation. He has led the development, delivery and evaluation of many self-management and peer support across England and Wales. He has been a technical advisor to the World Health Organisation on empowerment issues, chaired a WHO working group on developing indicators of involvement, and has spoken and written widely on involvement, empowerment, self-management and peer support. He is an editor of the Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice and sits on technical advisory groups for the Forces in Mind Trust (mental health research), NHS England and NHS Improvement (mental health payment systems), and is currently a senior advisor to Public Health England (mental health campaign).
With over thirty years of involvement as first a user of mental health services and later as a campaigner, he is also an advocate of service user voices being included in mental health service planning and delivery.
David was a Commissioner for Patient and Public Involvement in Health (2003 – 2007). The Commission (CPPIH) was created to give the public a voice in decisions that affect their health, and the health of the local. He was a founder member of the English national survivor user network (NSUN) and co-developed and facilitated the Welsh National Mental Health Forum (2014-2018).
Before working in mental health wrote economic models at HM Treasury and models of underground water systems for the water industry. He is also a qualified cricket umpire.
What are your motivation to attend the AdESM international Congress ?
Invited to present.
Why would you recommend to participate to AdESM International Congress
Good range of interesting topics.
Can you sum up your intervention ?
Empowerment of people with personal experience of using mental health services.